I LOVE THIS APP. Seriously, I think this is my all time favorite app that I’ve ever used.

Originally, I found this app when someone posted about online but I can’t find the blog that I originally found it on! Thank you kind stranger!

There have been so many interventions that have spawned out of this app. I originally started to use it for a feelings warm-up intervention, but other ideas came quickly. Here are some of my favorites:


Family Orchestra: Working with a family, group, siblings, or just one-on-one, use this spinner to get everybody moving and playing together! I love having families, parents, and others join music therapy sessions and this is one of my favorite go-to intervention ideas.


Emotions Spinner: This is one of my favorite ways to do a “check-in” at the beginning of a session for children. How are they feeling? If the spinner lands on an emotion that isn’t congruent to how they are currently feeling, that is developing emotional awareness. most often, a child will then say what it is they ARE feeling too!


Let’s Play!: Get everyone up and playing! This can be used in a group of children with special needs to target fine motor skills of just hitting the button (and getting to watch the spinner spin!). Each child can play something different throughout. This is also a great intervention to use for older children, tweens, or teens when writing a song together. It gives some structure but is still creative!

Seriously, it’s so much fun. How would you use this app in sessions??? Send your creative ideas over, I’d love to try them out too!

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