Besides that I am a HUGE Joni Mitchell fan…..I felt thankful for the clouds today.

I live in Denver, where it is sunny 300 days out of the year. And honestly after living here, I think it might be more. BUT. Today was the first day of fall that was cloudy, misty, and foggy. I took my dog for a special “sniff” walk, where she spends as much time as she wants sniffing leaves, sticks, and whatever else seems cool to her.

While I was walking, I felt myself honoring my own feelings of just feeling “bleh”. Bleh, like this cloudy day. I felt grateful for this fall day, for this walk with my pup, but I didn’t feel the need to be cheery and “sunny”. Maybe “meh” is better, I don’t know.

But what struck me was how good it felt to honor that feeling and accept it within myself. That acceptance, I worked on a lot through reading the book “Radical Acceptance” by Tara Brach and listening to her podcast. What stood out more to me was this thought:

“This is what it feels like when therapists give unconditional positive regard to clients and fully accept all of their emotions at any given time.”

It was funny to catch that small moment within my own acceptance, but it just made me think of how much some of our clients, especially children, who may have never had that radical acceptance, need that unconditional positive regard to thrive.

I’m going to carry this feeling with me today, and hopefully through more days, cloudy or not.


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